CCA(Chemical substances Control Act)
The Chemicals Control Act, enforced since 2015, aims to prevent risks posed by chemical substances to people's health and the environment and protect the lives and property of the people or the environment from chemical substances by properly controlling chemical substances and promptly responding to accidents that occur due to chemical substances.
Verification of Chemical Substances
Verification of regulatory information before manufacturing or importing chemical substances(Article 9 of the CCA)
Agency services for import notification and licensing of hazardous chemical substances such as toxic substances, regulated substances, restricted substances, and prohibited substances
Plans for Prevention and Management of Chemical Accidents
A system to prevent chemical accidents and minimize damage in emergencies(Article 23 of the CCA)
Submit a Plan for Prevention and Management of Chemical Accidents to the Director of the Chemical Substance Safety Center 60 days prior to the start date of the inspection of hazardous chemical handling facilities(Article 19 of the Enforcement Rules of the CCA)
Operators installing and operating hazardous chemical handling facilities exceeding the standards set by the Ministry of Environment must submit a Plan for Prevention and Management of Chemical Accidents to the Minister of Environment every five years
Hazardous Chemical Handling Facility Inspection Consulting
Installation and operation according to the standards for placement, installation, and management prescribed by the Minister of Environment(Article 24 of the CCA)
Regular inspections, occasional inspections, safety inspections
Regular inspection: 1 year for those subject to a business license/2 years for those not subject to a business license
Occasional inspection: If a chemical accident occurs at a hazardous chemical handling facility, within 7 days from the date the chemical accident occurred
Safety inspection: Within 20 days from the date of receiving the test results
Consulting for hazardous chemical business permits
Facility improvements according to hazardous chemical handling standards
Assistance in compiling chemical substance inventories and complying with legal obligations
Consulting for installation inspections, regular inspections, and safety inspections for hazardous chemical handling facilities
Information diagnosis on relationships with other laws
Submission of chemical substance confirmation statements
Preparation of chemical accident prevention management plans